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Complications of an ectopic pregnancy

We already discussed in our previous article about what it is and the symptoms of ectopic pregnancy which, to summarize, an ectopic pregnancy is nothing more than a pregnancy that occurs outside its natural location which is the uterus.

There are various complications that an ectopic pregnancy can cause in a woman's body, the main ones are shown below.

Complications of an ectopic pregnancy

What are the Complications of an Ectopic Pregnancy?

Tubal Rupture

It is the main complication of ectopic pregnancies located in the tubes. When the fertilized egg reaches the tubes and finds an obstruction, it nests in them. It begins to divide and grow, increasing its size. The fallopian tubes are narrow ducts, so the egg does not have space for its proper development. The growth of that egg generates considerable pressure in the tubes which can lead to rupture and cause serious health problems for the woman.


Embryo Death

The fertilized egg lacks space or sufficient food to develop properly when an ectopic pregnancy occurs.

Ultimately, it has not managed to implant itself in the part of the body that had been prepared for its growth. Therefore, one of the imminent complications of this type of pregnancy is the death of the embryo. In some cases, the fertilized egg has managed to be relocated, achieving normal growth and therefore a successful pregnancy, but in the majority of cases, this type of pregnancy does not succeed. Furthermore, many times when it is detected that the pregnancy is ectopic, the death of the egg has already occurred. The death of the embryo is the final consequence of this type of pregnancy.


Another complication of an ectopic pregnancy is known as hematosalpinx, that is, blood in the tubes. When the egg is trapped in them, it begins to seek food through the blood vessels it has. As a result, it is possible for blood to remain in the fallopian tubes, causing serious health problems. In most cases where this occurs, it is necessary to perform a surgical intervention, as the tubes often rupture, requiring a total or partial ablation of them.

Tubal Extraction

In the case that the tubes have ruptured, it may be necessary to remove them. This is one of the most serious complications that can arise in ectopic pregnancies. Brown vaginal discharge or even small hemorrhages may occur. If the tube ruptures, it would cause sudden intense bleeding.

If the tube were to rupture, a complication that occurs is the onset of sharp and constant pain in the lower abdomen that can spread throughout the pelvic area.

Another complication of this type of pregnancy resulting from the rupture of a tube consists of the appearance of a rapid, weak pulse, as well as cold and moist skin.

Peritoneal Irritation

If the site where the egg has implanted ruptures due to its imminent development and growth, peritoneal irritation may occur in the patient. In some cases, pallor is detected in the pregnant woman, leading to very low blood pressure.

Hypovolemic Shock

This is another complication that can arise in an ectopic pregnancy. It usually appears when there has been a rupture of the fallopian tube, accompanied by sharp abdominal pain. Surgery is the only way in this case to avoid further damage to the woman’s body. One of the most important risks that can occur in this type of pregnancy is that the egg settles in the junction between the fallopian tube and the uterus, as there the fetus has more chances to develop. In this case, the rupture of the artery that runs along the outside of the tube may occur, which could have fatal consequences for the woman. Detecting the location of a pregnancy as early as possible allows for early detection of ectopic pregnancies, avoiding such disastrous complications. One of the possible complications that this type of pregnancy can entail is derived from the surgery that must be performed in some cases to repair the damage caused by the rupture of the fallopian tubes. In these cases, significant blood loss can occur, endangering the woman's life. It is essential to take many precautions in the postoperative period to ensure a proper recovery for the patient and to avoid major complications.

Psychological Consequences

The psychological consequences are another of the complications that an ectopic pregnancy can have for the woman. Feelings of frustration, fear of attempting a new pregnancy due to fear that this situation will repeat itself, are some of the feelings that women who have gone through this experience may experience. It is important to stay informed, to be aware that there is no need for the situation to repeat itself. Many women who have experienced an ectopic pregnancy have gone on to conceive normally later, without major complications. It is necessary to have strong family support and if necessary, the help of a professional to prevent the emergence of such insecurities in women who have experienced such situations.

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