The vaginal discharge usually accompanies women throughout all their stages. This vaginal discharge, also called leukorrhea which means "white secretion", is usually whitish in color, odorless or with a mild smell, but, what is the discharge like during pregnancy?
Hello, I am back with you. I started the blog with great enthusiasm and, although I continue with the same excitement, perhaps the dates do not allow me to have all the time I need. We already talked in the article about the first symptoms of pregnancy, among which one of the most common and that tends to always appear is vaginal discharge. We already talked about how to observe the discharge to know the fertile days today I am going to talk to you about what the discharge of a pregnant woman is like during the 9 months.
During pregnancy, the layer of muscles in the vagina thickens and the cells that line the vagina increase in response to an increase in estrogen hormones typical during pregnancy, increasing blood flow to the area and also forming a protective barrier called the mucous plug. All this causes an increase in the amount of discharge of fluid at the beginning of pregnancy, and even, it will increase at the end of it when the woman's body is preparing for labor and begins to expel this plug.
What must be taken into account is that vaginal discharge during pregnancy should still be whitish in color and should never have a bad smell. If this is not the case, then this vaginal discharge is probably due to an infection, and you should consult and treat with your gynecologist as soon as possible.
It is also important to inform the gynecologist if we are still not in week 37, in any of these two cases:
Remember that you can always use a gestogram to remember what week of pregnancy you are in.
If you detect that your discharge is yellowish, greenish, or thick, accompanied by a bad smell, burning, itching, redness, or pain, you may have some type of vaginal infection such as bacterial vaginitis, trichomoniasis, ... As I always advise, consult your gynecologist immediately. Do not self-treat these infections even if you have had them before and think you can control them; these bacterial infections can be transmitted to the baby during delivery.
Other vaginal infections such as thrush or sores can cause abnormal discharges. They are common during pregnancy and can be easily treated with creams or suppositories. Sometimes, a simple suppository will be enough to solve the problem.
To prevent vaginal infections during pregnancy, it is recommended to maintain moderate and not excessive intimate hygiene, dry yourself well after showering to avoid keeping the vulvar area wet, avoid tight clothing, always wipe from front to back after using the bathroom... and remember that it is not advisable to use tampons during pregnancy.
In summary, do not obsess over the topic. The intention with which I wrote this article is for you to keep in mind what the discharge is like during pregnancy and to be alert if you see something out of the ordinary. There is no need to get into details about the multiple types of infections and diseases that can cause abnormal discharge. One piece of advice: do not search for the topic; simply, when you see that something is not normal, consult your doctor. Sometimes, a simple phone call can save you a headache. He will tell you what to do and indicate whether he needs to visit you to take a sample to determine what it could be. If you have read these lines, you are likely pregnant or are trying to conceive. Remember how important it is to take folic acid during pregnancy, and even when you are trying to have a child.
See you next time and happy holidays!
Everything you need to know if you're pregnant: pregnancy tests, home pregnancy tests, first online pregnancy symptoms, and follow-up tests. We also cover a lot about stretch marks: white stretch marks, red stretch marks, treatments for stretch marks, and a special on anti-stretch mark creams.
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