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Remove stretch marks with laser

Have you tried all the home remedies for preventing stretch marks and all the anti-stretch mark creams available and still haven't managed to eliminate the stretch marks? Don't worry, you still have a possibility, remove stretch marks with laser.

In reality, no treatment is 100% effective in eliminating stretch marks and, as indicated in other articles, the best approach is prevention by keeping our skin hydrated and cared for throughout the entire pregnancy.

eliminar estrias laser


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Once the stretch marks have appeared, we need to tackle them. We can try various creams and home methods to eliminate stretch marks but, sometimes, the truly effective treatment is laser and remember that the sooner you attack them, the better; starting the treatment when red stretch marks have appeared will be much better to achieve greater effectiveness.

In this article, I will try to answer all the questions we have about treatments to eliminate stretch marks with laser.

What is the price to remove stretch marks with laser?

Generally, treatments to remove stretch marks through laser are performed in several sessions. The number of sessions we will have to carry out will depend a lot on our stretch marks, whether they are red, if they are white, how many we have, … To give you an idea about the price, each session costs between XXX and XXX euros (in Spain) and, in general, the average is usually around 6 sessions, between 2 and 4 for red stretch marks and 6 to 8 for white ones.

Many clinics offer the first visit for free and conduct a study of your case indicating the number of sessions you will need to undergo and you can calculate the price it will cost you to eliminate your stretch marks.

How long does the treatment last?

This depends a lot on the method used by the chosen clinic but, generally speaking, a session is performed every 30 days, or rather, each month. It will depend on the number of sessions you need to determine how long the treatment will last but, if we take an average of 6 sessions, you will have completely finished in about half a year.

Is it painful to remove stretch marks with laser?

Many women hesitate to undergo treatment for fear of pain, but trust me when I say that, in many cases, it is much worse than waxing. When we treat the marks when they are still red, the laser used can cause some discomfort and a feeling of intense heat at the time of application, and only while it is being applied. White stretch marks, where the treatment is usually more intense, typically have anesthesia applied to the skin, making us not feel anything during the treatment.

cuanto cuesta laser para quitar estrias

What does the treatment to remove stretch marks with laser consist of?

For you and me to understand, what the laser does is destroy the scarred tissue. Our body, of its own accord, will restore the affected area with completely healthy new tissue. The day after the treatment, the treated area darkens, starts to peel, and within less than a week, it will have completely peeled off and a new skin will start to form. The usual result of the treatment is that the stretch marks diminish, becoming shorter and thinner, that the red or white color disappears, acquiring a texture and tone more similar to our skin so that they are practically not noticeable.

Depending on the chosen clinic or center, different techniques are usually combined, such as applying clinic-specific creams or those from known brands, other treatments such as carboxytherapy, … to help in the recovery of our skin.

Is it an effective treatment for stretch marks?

There is no clinic or method that can guarantee you 100% effectiveness in the elimination of marks. Generally, they usually assure a reduction of between 50% and 80%. It is also important to take into account that there are more problematic areas, like the buttocks, hips, and the inner part of the thighs, but these coincide with less public areas which might not be as significant to us. In areas like the abdomen, they are usually easier to remove.

Does it require hospitalization?

No, treatments for stretch marks with laser do not require hospitalization of the patient. The sessions will be held in the office or designated area for this, which we commonly call outpatient (which means you do not have to remain in a hospital).

When NOT to recommend using laser to treat stretch marks?

In the following cases, using this technique to erase stretch marks is not recommended:

In any case, always remember to consult with medical professionals both in the chosen aesthetic center and your usual family doctor or the one treating any illness you may have; they have the final word and will advise you safely on the topic.

Where can I remove stretch marks with laser?

The truth is that this is the million-dollar question. It is impossible to try all methods, clinics, aesthetic centers, … by oneself and they are always innovating. My advice is that, having the basis of what I have explained to you, you make preliminary visits to several of them and evaluate the treatment, what they have explained to you, the price, … Always try to go to recognized centers, try to find out about experiences of other people) on the internet you can find different opinions although don’t rely on all of them because you don't know who is behind them.

Medical center finder

I'm leaving you here a search engine so you can find centers in your city; just enter your city and click search.

Things to keep in mind

Note 1: You will hear about different types of lasers; often, they refer to the same type of laser with different names. The laser used will depend on the center, the type of stretch marks to be treated, the method used, … Some of the ones you may find are: Non-ablative fractional laser, Pulsed dye laser, Micro-fractional laser, Fraxel re-store laser (1550 nm), Fraxel Dual System BW-200, Non-ablative infrared fractional laser 1540. Dye pulsed dye laser

Note 2: It is very important that you have not sunbathed or undergone UVA sessions at least 4 weeks before starting treatment nor during treatment. The week before starting the laser treatment to eliminate stretch marks, you should avoid using exfoliants and self-tanning creams.

Note 3: You should not swim or do physical effort for two days after the treatment. You can wash the treated area but when it comes to drying it, do so gently with a towel without rubbing. You also cannot sunbathe or undergo UVA rays for at least 6 weeks after treatment; if the treated area is exposed to the sun because you wear shorts or a top, …, use sunscreen with SPF 50 following the instructions and apply it a while before going outdoors. In future check-ups, your doctor will evaluate your progress and advise you on everything I have mentioned.

Everything you need to know if you're pregnant: pregnancy tests, home pregnancy tests, first online pregnancy symptoms, and follow-up tests. We also cover a lot about stretch marks: white stretch marks, red stretch marks, treatments for stretch marks, and a special on anti-stretch mark creams.

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