Today in online pregnancy test we are going to discuss the symptoms of pregnancy in the first days that women feel when they are pregnant and that make us suspect a possible pregnancy.
The first symptoms of pregnancy are confused with premenstrual syndrome: tender breasts, tiredness and sleep, increased vaginal discharge, olfactory sensitivity,…
The most important pregnancy symptomThe most important symptom and that, except for very specific exceptions, is a symptom of pregnancy is amenorrhea or absence of period. As we already know, menstruation is the last part of the menstrual cycle and consists of the blood flow from the uterus during a few days each month, when the egg that has not been fertilized is expelled from the woman's body.
When this last phase of the menstrual cycle does not occur, it is a consequence of the egg having been fertilized, at this moment the period stops because there is nothing to expel. After about 15 days of absence of menstruation, it is time to buy a pregnancy test or you can also try our virtual pregnancy test to find out if you are pregnant.
Although any loss of blood during the first trimester or the rest of the pregnancy may be a sign of some serious problem, and you should go to the doctor, there are occasions where there may be some slight bleeding due to the implantation of the fertilized egg in the uterine wall, and it is darker and less abundant than a normal period.
It should be noted that not only can pregnancy cause the withdrawal or delay of the period, other factors such as stress, certain medications, changes in eating habits… could be a case of pathological amenorrhea, not indicative of pregnancy. Therefore, you must be attentive to other pregnancy symptoms or take a pregnancy test.
We continue with other symptoms that, although they usually occur in a high percentage of women, do not always manifest. Note that each woman, each pregnancy, and each birth is unique.
From the very first moment, the breasts begin to prepare for breastfeeding. Usually, after the fourth or sixth week, the breasts begin to enlarge, there is increased blood flow due to hormonal change, and the breasts become more sensitive. Since the skin stretches, this growth also causes discomfort such as itching. It can also cause heaviness and pain a little more intense than that felt during menstruation.
Discharge or leukorrhea, whitish in color and without odor, although it is similar to that generated without being pregnant, is more abundant as the pregnancy progresses. This is due to the placental hormones and the generation of the mucous plug that will protect the uterus from possible infections until the end of pregnancy.
A very common symptom throughout pregnancy is tiredness and sleep. This is because it is your body and therefore you who bear the growth and development of the baby. One way to combat this symptom is to rest as much as you can, eat a balanced diet, and take the vitamins that your gynecologist will recommend.
One of the first symptoms that makes you wonder if you are pregnant is nausea. Generally, they tend to disappear towards the end of the first trimester, although in some cases they can last throughout the pregnancy and, in other cases, hormonal changes, increased sensitivity of the sense of smell, and excess acids in the stomach are some of the factors that contribute to pregnant women feeling nauseous. To combat this symptom, it is usually recommended to eat small meals at frequent intervals.
At the moment ovulation occurs, there is a significant drop in basal temperature of almost half a degree which then rises by almost a degree right after ovulation and remains high for the following days then drops and normalizes as the period approaches. If this temperature, close to 37 degrees, does not drop at the end of the cycle and you do not get your period, it is a symptom of pregnancy and it is considered that there is a high probability of pregnancy.
Do not forget to discuss all your symptoms with your gynecologist, he is the only one who can guide you correctly and tell you if your symptoms are normal or if there is something abnormal that needs to be treated.
And don’t forget to take a pregnancy test if you have one or several symptoms to be sure!
Everything you need to know if you're pregnant: pregnancy tests, home pregnancy tests, first online pregnancy symptoms, and follow-up tests. We also cover a lot about stretch marks: white stretch marks, red stretch marks, treatments for stretch marks, and a special on anti-stretch mark creams.
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